Annual Meeting is the Second Saturday in March at 1:30 P.M.

Safety Promotions

It's great to have insurance coverage when something bad happens. It's even better when you can avoid needing to use your insurance. That's why Farmers & Laborers wants to do all we can to help you protect your property. One of the ways we do so is with periodical safety promotions.

Half-Price Surge Protectors

Installing something as simple as a surge protector can save you time and money by protecting your computers and electronics from power surges. Come by our office in Montgomery City, Missouri, and buy them from us at half of the price we paid for them.

Wall-Mounted Fire Extinguishers

Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

Keeping fire extinguishers in key locations on your property can mean the difference between a small incident and a conflagration. We have 2.5-, 5- & 10-lb ABC dry chemical fire extinguishers available for purchase in our office.

Fire Safety Tips

Make sure that you know how to properly use a portable fire extinguisher and only use one on small fires. Know when to get away. Remember that a fire grows and spreads rapidly, so getting safely away from the areashould always be your top priority.